Original Sinner Coming Soon!

My novel, Original Sinner will be published this year. It began life as a writing exercise at a workshop. A short story about a woman fighting demons became a novella about a battle that can’t be won: At the same time, my life metamorphosed from its safe predictable trajectory to a plunge into rapids. As everything fell apart this story came together.

With each draft, this story twisted and skewed from where I thought it was headed. And when the publishing contract I was offered for my novella fell through, I unpicked the stitches and reformed the story into a novel about self-discovery. The myth of Eve drives the allegory: a myth with a modern message. In a world created by and controlled by men, Eve has to find her identity, not as the wife, mother or lover, but as the woman.

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About Sharita Russell information

Sharita writes speculative fiction. She live in Queensland, Australia.

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